Page 87 - URA Annual Report 2020-21
P. 87

GFA m2
Other Uses
GFA m2
GFA m2
Space (2) m2
At-grade conservation park accessible to public will be provided
Commercial space includes preserved buildings/ elements, temple office, village committee’s office, reprovisioning of public toilet and other covered areas but actual area still subject to detailed design
Resumption gazetted on 15-07-11
Site reverted to Government on 15-10-11
Site clearance completed on 26-01-16
Provisional basic terms offer was accepted by URA on 04-03-16
URA and JVP are preparing the Archaeological Impact Assessment report based on the results of further excavation
G/IC is a 1,260m2 multi-purpose activity hall Commercial space includes Market Block for relocating wet trade market shops, office space and 9,150m2 for hotel; 210m2 non-domestic GFA is used for the covered Public Open Space at Site A
Site A
Joint Venture Development tender awarded on 01-03-17 Land Grant executed on 06-06-17
Handed over to JVP on 06-06-17
GBP amendment approved on 18-01-21
Foundation works in progress
Site B
Completed in 2020-21
Site C
Joint Venture Development tender awarded on 24-10-17 Land Grant executed on 26-01-18
Site handed over to JVP on 26-01-18
GBP amendment approved on 22-04-21
Foundation works in progress
Commercial GFA include 65,860m2 for offices and 32,000m2 for hotel
G/IC includes 6,200m2 for Kwun Tong Jockey Club Health Centre in YWS Site and 8,600m2 for Government uses in Main Site and 16,300m2 for Public Transport Interchange in Main Site
Commercial Space includes 1,300m2 for social enterprises
Residential flats include 299 flats in Yuet Wah Street site and 1,999 flats in the Main Site (DAs 2 & 3)
Public space includes a minimum of 9,350m2 at-grade public open space as required under the approved s.16 A/K14/745 and a minimum of 4,000m2 podium public open space as required under the lease
YWS Site (DA 1)
Occupation Permit obtained on 08-07-14 Certificate of Compliance obtained on 29-10-14 Sales of remaining flats in progress
Main Site (DAs 2 & 3)
Presale consent issued on 29-11-18
Sales of residential flats launched on 09-12-18 Occupation Permit issued on 26-11-20
PTI operated on 02-04-21
Certificate of Compliance issued on 28-04-21
Main Site (DAs 4 & 5)
Resumption for DA5 gazetted on 17-05-19
Site of DA5 reverted to Government on 18-08-19 Site clearance of DA 4 completed on 31-03-21 Site clearance of DA 5 completed on 17-05-21 Demolition works in progress
Three projects taken forward as one
G/IC includes 1,900m2 for Special Child Care Centre cum Early Education Centre, Day Care Centre for the Elderly and Sub-base for a Neighbourhood Elderly Centre; 150m2 for either social enterprise or non- domestic use
Joint Development tender awarded on 22-12-14 Land Grant executed on 27-03-15
Site handed over to JVP on 27-03-15
S16 submission approved on 22-01-16
Pre-sale consent issued on 18-09-19
Sales of residential flats launched on 17-10-19 Occupation Permit for Site A issued on 07-06-2021 Occupation Permit for Site B issued on 10-06-2021
Pre-sale consent approved on 23-04-18
Sale of residential flats launched on 01-09-18 Occupation Permit issued on 28-10-19 Certificate of Compliance issued on 30-03-20 Sales of remaining flats in progress
Zoned ‘Other specified uses’ annotated ‘Open space and historical buildings preserved for cultural and commercial uses’
GFA includes retained façade at Burrows Street and two elevated walkways
Land Grant executed on 13-10-11
Occupation Permit issued on 20-05-13
Official opening event held on 18-07-13
Certificate of Compliance issued on 04-08-17
URA took over the management and operation of the project in 08-18
           Project Development Information
  URA ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21 83
Projects at a Glance Corporate Governance

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