Page 75 - URA Annual Report 2020-21
P. 75
In 2020/21, the URA devised an action plan for the promotion strategy and started implementing the action items. To assist building owners to carry out preventive maintenance, the URA has compiled a maintenance manual template for conducting a trial on URA’s rehousing blocks and self-developed projects. The trial aims to test the practicability of the template and help compile the guidelines for formulating the maintenance plan and funding arrangement. In addition, the URA has applied the design of a maintainability checklist in URA’s self- developed projects. The application will be extended to other joint-venture projects to test the practicability of the guidelines before promoting to private buildings.
To implement ‘stakeholder-based’ promotion, the URA has approached the Property Management Services Authority to advocate preventive maintenance to property management practitioners through incorporating the relevant messages into training materials and guidelines. Three of the property management training course providers have confirmed to adopt the training materials recommended by the URA. The URA has also approached a professional institute and four large property management companies to explore the practicality of the preventive maintenance measures proposed by the URA. With these promotions and assistance in place, the URA looks forward to boosting confidence among building owners in carrying out preventive maintenance, so that the ageing of buildings can be slowed down.
Retaining Productivity Amid COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought abrupt changes to the work environment across the globe demanding swift adjustments at the organisation level, and the URA is no exception. As valuable asset to the URA, our staff have once again shown their unremitting efforts in overcoming challenges and ensuing business operation by continuing to seek opportunities while overcoming various constraints. To tide over the disruptions caused by COVID-19, we have implemented a number of initiatives. Among these initiatives are making remote desktops available for all staff to facilitate the Work-From-Home arrangement, and replacing physical meetings and briefings by teleconferencing, webinars and live streaming for both internal and external events/meetings.
While physical contact is inevitable during the statutory freezing surveys immediately conducted after project commencement, we continue to apply technology to maintain the productivity and efficiency of our workforce. A mobile application has been developed and remote webcams were provided to minimise physical contacts between URA staff and the residents during surveys with residents. Furthermore, the URA has developed its own Health Code to send out alerts of COVID cases in nearby buildings in a bid to further safeguard the health of our staff and affected tenants in our redevelopment project (details as described on page 61 of the Corporate Sustainability Chapter for details).
Operating under the Urban Renewal Authority Ordinance and guided by the Urban Renewal Strategy, the URA is committed to implementing urban renewal in a sustainable and forward looking manner to support the development of Hong Kong and improve the living conditions of residents in old districts. While the city’s rapidly ageing building stock remains a daunting task and challenge to overcome at present, the URA will press on to pursue the overarching goal of the holistic approach embracing our ‘5Rs’ to maximise benefits of urban renewal. Findings of the YMDS and NSBR study will underpin the future direction and implementation of our urban renewal works. The URA’s future trajectory will continue to follow a planning-led approach through efforts to build up its planning and project reserves for ‘5Rs’ projects, with an emphasis on the optimisation of community benefits and social impacts. In addition, conscientious efforts will be devoted to the promotion of preventive maintenance for building rehabilitation in order to curb the pace of urban decay.
As the URA ventures beyond the 20th anniversary, we endeavour to find smarter solutions to Hong Kong’s urban renewal problem by harnessing innovative technologies. Apart from focusing on our core businesses of redevelopment and rehabilitation, the URA will carry on to support the Government in supplying more affordable housing for the general public. Although the URA currently enjoys a strong cash position, we will continue to uphold the core principle of prudent financial management, especially given the recent downturn of the economy and the uncertain outlook of the future property market, while balancing the enduring risks of high acquisition costs. In the coming year, the URA will continue to strive towards a sustainable and holistic urban renewal programme aiming to generate greater benefit for the community at large.
Management Discussion and Analysis Projects at a Glance Corporate Governance