Page 141 - URA Annual Report 2020-21
P. 141

 (expressed in Hong Kong Dollars)
6. Operating surplus before income tax (Continued)
Operating surplus before income tax is arrived at after charging/(crediting) the following items: (Continued)
(a) Other items (Continued)
Impairment on properties
- (Write back of)/provision for impairment on properties held
for sale
- Provision for impairment on property, plant and equipment
- (Write back of)/provision for impairment on properties under
Interest expenses
- Interest on lease liabilities
- Less: Interest on lease liabilities capitalised#
- Interest expenses on debt securities issued - Less: Interest expenses capitalised#
2021 $’000
(2,460) 165,444
(100,916) 3,350
(1,909) 1,441
42,411 (42,411)
2020 $’000
3,676 52,617
1,025,193 3,647
(2,262) 1,385
58,500 (58,500)
1,441 1,385
      * Including salaries and other benefits of $431,244,000 (2019/20: $375,400,000) and contribution to provident fund scheme of $31,711,000 (2019/20: $27,778,000).
^ Excluding depreciation of $1,315,000 (2019/20: $1,101,000) and finance cost of $22,000 (2019/20: $46,000) for properties leased for own use.
The borrowing costs have been capitalised at rates ranging from 1.64% to 3.85% per annum (2019/20: 1.64% to 3.85% per annum).

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