137 (expressed in Hong Kong Dollars) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 25. Statement of Financial Position of the Authority (Continued) (a) Interest in subsidiaries 2018 2017 $’000 $’000 Unlisted shares, at cost 1 1 Amounts due from subsidiaries (Note) 22,147 51,782 Less: Provision for impairment (22,148) (48,171) – 3,612 Note: The amounts due from subsidiaries are unsecured, interest-free and have no fixed terms of repayment. The balances are expected to be recovered more than one year. The names of the principal subsidiaries, all of which are wholly and directly owned by the Authority and incorporated in Hong Kong, are as follows: Name Number of shares Total share capital Opalman Limited 2 $2 Sunfield Investments Limited 2 $2 Urban Redevelopment Facilitating  Services Company Limited 1 $10 Urban Redevelopment Facilitating Services Company Limited is engaged in the provision of facilitating services to interested owners in amalgamating their property interests for joint sale in the market or for disposal under the prevailing market mechanism and other relevant legislation. Western Market Company Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Authority, transferred its operation of Western Market to the Authority during the year and became dormant as of the year ended 31 March 2018. The other subsidiaries are acting as mere trustees for holding properties under certain joint development projects. Sunfield Investments Limited was disposed on 18 April 2018.